Friday, March 11, 2011

There's No Such Thing As a Stupid Question!

WRONG!  Whoever came up with this ridiculous idea never answered the phone at my place of employment.  I answer stupid questions ALL day, EVERY day.

"What time does the 3 o'clock bus leave?"

"I have one of your's called a Jitterbug, or something.  My battery is dead, so I guess I need a new one."  "I'm sorry sir, but you must have the wrong number, you have called the bus station."  "Well, could you transfer me to them?"  (Did you miss something about "we have buses, not phones"?)

"When will the next bus be by here"....Ah, where is here?  "Home."  And where do you want to go?  "To the high school."  Considering we provide service in two counties, including 11 communities, with a total of 7 high schools,  you'll need to be a little more specific than that.

 I am NOT an advocate for video phone calls, especially in the workplace.  I definitely need the option of rolling my eyes at some of the questions I get.  A person needs some kind of pressure keeps me from acting on the urge to say something like "Did that sound better in your head? Cause what I heard sounded like a stupid question!"

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