Friday, March 11, 2011

Allow me to introduce myself!

Having survived the roaring 70's, I took a twist on the whole Earth, Wind & Fire thing to try to describe life, as I know it.   By way of explanation.....

Mirth: noun.   Suggests spontaneous amusement or gaiety, manifested briefly in laughter, often exceeding the limits of reason or propriety

Germs: noun, plural.  No explanation required.  Let your imagination run wild....and then some!

Ire:  noun.  Intense anger; wrath.

For the past 10 years I have been employed in the transportation industry....first, for an air charter company (which also included air ambulance/organ procurement flights) and now in public transportation (also know as the city bus system). I've gone from transporting the rich and famous--movie stars, politicians, top-tier businessmen, supermodels, musicians, and those that have more money than good sense--to rubbing shoulders with the truly down-and-outs of the community, not to memtion the inebriated, self-medicated, ought-to-be medicated, and plain ole' unmotivated.

So as a form of personal therapy, I have started this blog to record some of my more colorful observations, encounters, and insights. Let the stories begin.....

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait for your stories. This is going to be a fun ride!
