Sunday, March 20, 2011

Some conversations I didn't need to overhear

For some reason unknown to me, the regular cast of characters consists of a few people (okay, a LOT of people) who feel that everyone should get to hear their opinions, philosophical perspectives, and generally weird observations.  There is no such thing as a private conversation!   Here are a few of my most memorable...

A 20-something-year-old (definitely old enough to have more social sense than this) was telling someone how he had cleaned up his life lately..."I don't smoke any more.  I don't drink any more. And I don't fornicate THAT much any more"--Thanks for sharing that with everyone in the lobby!

An older woman (my age) spent a considerable amount of time trying to strike up a conversation with a girl who seemed to be waiting for a bus to the college.  The girl was trying to be polite and then go back to reading, or whatever it was she was doing.  Eventually the woman managed to find out that the girl wanted to be a writer.  That was all she needed to wind her up.  "I have a story I could tell you that would be great.  It's about a woman who lived right here in Wenatchee 10,000 years ago.  But it might freak you out.  My mother was full blood Indian and my sire (you know the difference between a sire and a father, don't you)....."--I guess her family has been in the valley for really long time...10,000 years!  Or maybe she was referring to her previous life.  Who knows!  The poor girl was trapped and looking for the next bus to take her away--anywhere!

Among our regular casts of characters, you learn pretty quickly who you can talk to and who gets the bare minimum acknowledgment so as not be rude (maybe minimally rude in other settings).  You do NOT want to give some people the opportunity to engage you in a conversation, or you'll have to be carted out on a gurney to escape!

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