Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Today was one for the books!

I think every day around here is beyond weird, but today was a topper, for sure!  The previously mentioned person who wanted everyone to view his stubbed toe was sitting in the lobby when I walked in this morning.  He had apparently arrived sometime before 8 a.m.  Not long after I got here, I overheard him talking on the phone, when he mentioned that he was going to be here until 4 p.m.  Without a doubt, 8 hours of him in the lobby is cruel and unusual punishment!  Then my co-worker mentioned that he had been laying face down on the floor this morning.  (This is oddly becoming "normal" for him.  He claims he's having seizures.)  I would have to be completely unconscious to lay on this's totally disgusting!  She told him he needed to get up and sit on the bench.  This only served to set him off on  "I'm sorry.  I didn't mean to bug you", 17,000 times.  If he hasn't already bugged you to your breaking pointing, his non-stop apologies are certain to push you over the edge.  A bit later in the morning we hear "Hey!"...."Hey!", only to find him once again laying on the floor in his spread-eagle position.  She just told him to get up and have a seat.  While I was gone to lunch, she sent me a text saying he had done it two more times, so she called 9-1-1.  The paramedics came and he did his thing for them outside on the sidewalk.  They came in and said that he wasn't having seizures, which was confirmed by his doctor.  It's sooooo exhausting dealing with people who will do ANYTHING for attention!

In case it hadn't already been a weird enough day, I got a call from one of the supervisors, saying that the driver of the bus coming from Leavenworth (30 miles away) had gotten halfway back to Wenatchee, when someone said "who's dog is this?"  Apparently the dog had gotten on at one of the stops, but the owner had not.  This particular dog is well-known around here, since the owner claims it's her "service dog".  The only problem is, she always has it dressed a swimsuit, halloween costume, sunglasses, snow boots....and pushing it in a stroller!  You get the picture...not so much a service animal as a toy!  So, between tending to the attention-seeking dude and the t-shirt-wearing chihuahua, I was ready to call it a day about 2 p.m.

To add insult to injury, I'm working Tuesday through Saturday this week, so I am just getting warmed up on what promises to be another fun-filled week!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

What's it worth?

Yesterday was another one for the memory album.  I got a call about 12:30 from a "gentleman" demanding that I call the Rt 24 driver because he left his shirt on the bus.  Since we have a policy that we only call for items over $50 (typically wallets or cell phones), I told him I couldn't do that, and that the drivers usually do a walk-through when they complete their routes and bring in any items left behind.  He said that wouldn't work for him, so he would hold so I could call the driver right then.  I again told him I couldn't do that.  He then got even more agitated and reminded me that he pays my wages, so I needed to call NOW!  Same story....not gonna do that, sir!  By this point he told me it was a work shirt that he had just bought and he needed to get it; what would stop someone else from picking it up and putting in their backpack?  Probably not much, but I didn't bother pointing that out to him.  He demanded my name and my supervisor's name.  Happy to oblige there.  Then he slammed the phone down.  About 20 minutes later, a "gentleman" came to the front counter and immediately said "I talked to someone earlier about a lost shirt".  I gladly told him it was me.  Mind you, he had apparently gotten in a vehicle and driven the 15 miles from where he originally got off the bus to have a little face-to-face time.  Fortunately, the supervisor was standing there.  He asked if the shirt had been turned in.  Nope, sorry.  He said "that's why you should have called when I told you to."  Again, I told him we have a policy that we can only contact dispatch to call a driver for high-value items.  But said I would contact dispatch (via IM), to see if the driver had it on the bus.  I sent the IM, an then waited.  About 30 seconds later he said "am I just standing here for nothing?"  The supervisor said he should have a seat because we were waiting for dispatch to get back to us.  He had a seat....for about 2 minutes...then he came back to the counter and said "if you find it, just give it away to somebody it fits.  I'm too busy to deal with you folks", and off he stomped.  About an hour later, the driver brought the shirt in.  I saw it still had the price tag on, so I took a look.....Wal-Mart $1.00~!  Pretty pathetic that a person is willing to make a fool of themself for only a dollar!