Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Tale of the Full Moon

For those who say it's a myth that crazy things happen during a full moon, I have one thing to say.....balderdash!  This is how my morning went today.  If you have read previous posts, you will recognize the first character as the "boy who stubbed his toe".  He came to the front counter to buy his monthly bus pass (or rather pick up his pass that you and I are buying for him).  He mentioned that he had had a seizure this morning.  I acknowledged it, but did NOT solicit any details.  A few minutes later I was walking through the lobby and he called out "Hey, come here."  I turned and started toward him and he started to pull up his pant leg.  I stopped and said "I don't want to see."  He said "But I want to show you."  "No, I REALLY DO NOT NEED TO SEE!"  As I was walking back through the lobby, he said "So, if I have a seizure later, is that okay?"  My response was that if he is really having a seizure, he probably doesn't have any choice about when he has one.  Less than an hour later, the supervisor was heading out the front door and said "The Rt 11 is on hold, someone is having a seizure."  Imagine that!  Yet another hour later, my good friend called to see if he was kicked off the bus.  I said I had no idea.  He said "Did you hear?  I had a seizure.  I'm in the hospital right now."

In the middle of the above storyline, another frequent flyer of ours came in and asked when the next bus to Chelan left.  I told her it didn't leave until 9:30 (about 45 minutes).  Apparently this was NOT what she wanted to hear, since she turned around and stormed off, shouting that it was unconstitutional.  But she was back a few minutes later saying she only had 34 cents and she needed 50 cents to make a phone call.  I gladly reached into my purse get her on her way.  She then proceeded to scream at whoever she had called.  Everyone in the lobby was looking around at each other with raised eyebrows.  But of course, this was not the end of the saga.  After Catherine was finished berating the lucky recipient on the phone, she came back and said "I need change" as she put a bus token on the counter.  Since local service agencies give these out to their clients, rather than cash, we have a policy of not redeeming them for cash.  I told her I couldn't give her cash for the token.  She headed back toward the phone booth where I assumed she was gathering her bags.  She then stepped back into lobby and threw the token at the glass doors.  Surprisingly, she then just quietly took a seat.  Not to worry, the peace and quiet was short-lived.  About 10 minutes later I saw two patrol cars pull onto the platform.  You guessed it....she had called 9-1-1 because I wouldn't give her cash for her token.  The officer was none too pleased to find out why she had called.  He told her that was a personal problem and not the kind of thing that warrants calling 9-1-1.  This did not phase her.  She told him she was going to call whenever she felt she needed their help.  Mr Policeman, exercising incredible self control, looked at her and said "If you call again for something like this, I'm going to take you to jail."

So.....don't be so quick to dismiss the myth that weird things happen when there is a full moon.  And just for the record, it's not just on the day of the full moon....there are about 3 days on the run-up, and a 3-day full moon hangover afterward!