Monday, May 21, 2012

This goes in the "Are you serious?" category

Got a phone call this morning from a man who said he just bought a couch and was wondering if he could put it on the bike rack on the front of the bus.  I told him I didn't think they would allow that.  He said "I don't see why not".  For starters, they are called BIKE RACKS, not furniture dollies.  Secondly, kind of difficult to secure a couch to the front of a bus.  Above's just plain STUPID!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Every day a new discovery!

I have come to the conclusion that bus riders (or at least bus station residents, who, by the way, ought to have their mail sent here) are earth-conscious people.  They are conserving water.  I guess in China it's the Year of the Dragon, but at Link Transit it is the Shower-Free Year.  It's only March, so by November or December it will probably blister the paint off the walls.  There isn't an air freshener on the planet that can neutralize this aroma!