Sunday, December 11, 2011

A word to the not-so-wise....

You would think it is unnecessary to mention this, but apparently not so.  Hence I have a suggestion for anyone on the run from the law....DON'T DYE YOUR HAIR BUBBLEGUM PINK!  A couple of days ago, a couple friendly officers of the law stopped by with a photo.  They asked if I had seen him.  I did recognize the face, but couldn't recall if I'd seen him recently or not.  They then indicated that if I saw him to give them a call...oh, and by the way, he has dyed his hair pink.  After they left, I passed the request on to my co-worker, who had been at lunch when the police came by.  Not an hour later, she said "Is that the guy they were looking for?"  Sure enough, there he was, with his bright pink hair.  I probably wouldn't have been able to be sure he was the same person, had it not been for the hair.  Come on folks, are you really that stupid???